Imagine rooms in madrassas full of young boys dressed in traditional attire - the kurta pajama and skull cap - busy learning nuances of the faith. Rocking their little bodies in rhythm, they recite the Quran and commit it to memory. Now, imagine that these Islamic seminaries exist only on paper. An ongoing inquiry which Department of School Education ordered has revealed that as many as sixteen madrassas associated with Sarva Siksha Abhyaan , which provides funds for the 'mainstreaming' of madrassa students, in the city are fake. The probe has brought Islamic seminaries, which are already being accused of preaching intolerance, back into the spotlight. While preliminary inquiry has been submitted to the government, department officials are now busy gathering data to compile an exhaustive report. Those in the know of things estimate that there are between 700 and 1,000 fully functional madrassas in the state. To break it down further, an ongoing study, says general secretar...