[ Based on an article written by Patralekha Chatterjee, who focuses on development issues in India and emerging economies. The article was published in Deccan Chronicle dated 18th October, 2018 (Thursday) ]. Migrant dreams and nightmares fuel India's development story. The malls, the factories, the highways, the bridges, the luxury condominiums - the markers of the country's stunning economic transformation over the past few decades - over the past few decades - would not have come up without the sweat of migrant labourers. But those who migrate from one part of the country to another in search of a livelihood, continue to be problematised. This has no change. Currently, Gujarat is on the radar. There are reports of renewed tension in the state, recently scarred by anti-migrant sentiments. Earlier in October 2018, a three-year-old girl was raped and killed in Surat. The suspect is a migrant labourer from North India. There area also reports of assaults on construction worke...