
Showing posts from August, 2016


( Based on an article published in Deccan Chronicle dated 01st September, 2016. The article is an interview of Ali Muhammad Sagar, General Secretary of the National Conference. The interviewer was Yusuf Jameel ) . Talk to those calling the shots : It is imperative to talk to separatists and take everyone else on board. The kind of situation that is unfolding now or was seen earlier in 2008 and 2010 demand that we bite the bullet and do it now. The problem of Kashmir is political in nature and is deeply rooted in history. Every now and then, we see the situation turning from bad to worse. Our youth are falling prey to violence on a daily basis. Our economy is ruined. Both India and Pakistan must give serious thought to how they, as well as the people of Jammu and Kashmir, can live in peace and harmony. The National Conference (NC) has made it clear, not only now but also when Omar Abdullah was Chief Minister and earlier under Farooq Abdullah that Kashmir ought to be resolved through...
VALUE EDUCATION: MEANING, CLASSIFICATION AND ANALYSIS . Introduction : I am a teacher, you are also a teacher. We both are sailing in the same boat. We are striving hard for the same cause. What is that cause? To build the strong and healthy Nation. How to build the strong and healthy Nation? This is the big question before us. We need not go somewhere else in search of solution for this question. The solution is within us. We have to discover this truth. For this purpose, let us communicate with each other from heart to heart though we are physically separated by a distance. Let us not forget that we belong to the family of great Acharyas, Upadhyayas and Gurus. We are rendering the valuable service to our nation. We are moulding the future architects of our nation. We produce engineers, technologists, physicians, lawyers, juries, scientists, researchers, administrators, warriors, monks, etc. Even we produce future teachers. Therefore, it is our great responsibility to take care ...
RECONCILIATION AND HARMONY . ( The article is based on a speech delivered by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former President of India, at a civic reception hosted in his honour at Trivandrum on 29th September, 1963 ). Mr. Mayor and friends: I am very grateful to you for your generous words of greetings on this my fourth or fifth visit to the city of Trivandrum, the capital now of the whole of Kerala. You refer in your address to the work of the great Sankaracharya, which is of permanent value. There are many people who think that the work for which he laid the foundations is still unfinished, unaccomplished. He was the prophet of reconciliation and universal harmony. He is said to be an advaitavadi , a non-dualist philosopher. Non-duality does not mean that the world does not exist. It only means that the world is permeated by one supreme fact - Isavasyam idam sarvam . He never looked upon the world as a mere illusion, phantasmagoria or fantasy. It is not a dream world, it is not a...
THE MESSAGE OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA . ( The following article is based on a speech delivered by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, former President of India, on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's birth centenary celebrations, Calcutta on 20th January, 1963 ).  I am very delighted to be here this evening and inaugurate the Birth Centenary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda. The city of Calcutta has produced many men of genius in education, science, literature, and spiritual endeavour, and the greatest of the last is Swami Vivekananda. He embodied the spirit of this country; he was a symbol of her spiritual aspirations and fulfilment. It is that spirit which was expressed in the songs of our devotees, the philosophies of our seers, the prayers of our common people. He gave articulation and voice to that eternal spirit of India. Many of us are content to look upon the greatness which he achieved. But it is more interesting to know the way by which he attained that greatness, the hard difficul...
SOCIAL VISION AND SPIRITUAL UNITY . ( The following article is an abstract from the speech delivered by Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan at Annamalai University on 05th August, 1962 ). I am grateful to the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor and the Chairman of the Municipal Council of Chidambaram for their gracious words of welcome to me on this occasion of my visit to this city. You have referred to the sanctity of Chidambaram, how learning and art are controlled, so to say, by a spiritual outlook. You have referred to the Mathematics and Psychology Departments which were to be mainly located in the Arts and Science Buildings, though for other reasons some other departments like Agriculture and Sociology now find their habitation there. This temple, if it means anything, means that there is one Supreme Reality, incomprehensible and which cannot be described in words or expressed in a logical concept. It also implies that no religion is complete if it does not establish a satisfactor...
INDIA TODAY . Nearly seventy years ago India won freedom chiefly as a result of the non-violent struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the national flag on the Red Fort. Earlier, Balgangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Gopala Krishna Gokhale, Annie Besant  and a host of great patriots made their own contribution to the freedom movement. It is equally true that the British government was willing to grant independence to India when Clement Attlee, a great statesman, was the Prime Minister of England as Head of the Labour Party which declared through its election manifesto that it would grant independence to India if it came to power. It kept its promise. Attlee said," I have always felt that political India will be the Light of Asia". For six decades India paid lip sympathy to Gandhiji, all the time violating his teachings and turning a blind eye to his values. Today we are proud that India's is world's largest democracy while ma...