Introduction: I am a teacher, you are also a teacher. We both are sailing in the same boat. We are striving hard for the same cause. What is that cause? To build the strong and healthy Nation. How to build the strong and healthy Nation? This is the big question before us. We need not go somewhere else in search of solution for this question. The solution is within us. We have to discover this truth. For this purpose, let us communicate with each other from heart to heart though we are physically separated by a distance.
Let us not forget that we belong to the family of great Acharyas, Upadhyayas and Gurus. We are rendering the valuable service to our nation. We are moulding the future architects of our nation. We produce engineers, technologists, physicians, lawyers, juries, scientists, researchers, administrators, warriors, monks, etc. Even we produce future teachers. Therefore, it is our great responsibility to take care of values in all aspects of life.
It is the right time for us to recall one of the very significant 'Mantra' before we begin to interact.
"Om Sahanavavatu
Sahana Bhunaktu
Saha Veeryam Karavavahai
Tejasvinaavadheetamastu maa
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Hari Om Tatsat".
Om=Brahman (knowledge); Nau=We two; Saha=Together; Avatu=Protect; Bhunaktu=Take care; Aavahai karau=Our hands; Veeryam=Become strong; Adhitam=After learning; Tejasvinau Asthu=Get the strength to lead the life; Maa=Never; Vidvishaavahai=Hate each other; Shantih=Materialistic obstacle; Shaantih=Intuitionistic obstacle; Shaantih=Metaphysical obstacle.
Here the seeker of knowledge is the aspirant (student). The source of knowledge is the preceptor (teacher). For the mutual benefit of both teacher and the student, this mantra is usually recited in the beginning of the lesson. The meaning of the mantra is as follows:
"The knowledge can protect both of us. It can take care of us. Let us join our hands for the sake of knowledge. Let us stand on our own feet. Let us not hate each other. Let us overcome with all the three kinds of obstacles such as the materialistic, intuitionistic and metaphysical".
Teaching is a noble profession. Teaching is not just an instructor but he is the facilitator of learning. He is the life long guide for an individual in all round development. Therefore, we must set an example not only to students but even for public. One of the eminent learned Professor Narsimaiah who was the former Vice-Chancellor of Bangalore University once remarked in his public speech as follows:
"Personal life of the teacher is of public importance". This statement is definitely an eye opener for any good teacher. It stresses that the personal life of a teacher must be pure and transparent. It must be open to everyone in this world. Hence, he must be an embodiment of values. He must possess atleast three minimum qualities:
  1. Commitment to his profession;
  2. Conviction or shraddha in his profession;
  3. Concern for students.
If the teacher trusts the student, then the student will never betray the trust. Student becomes an agent of social change if we practice the principle of share and care.
Present Scenario: Values are degraded in all walks of life. Non-conducive environment is created in educational institutions. An upsurge in enrollment of students in educational institutions, lack of essential facilities and resources in schools, imbalance between teacher-student ratio, increase of mechanical book-learning or cook-book system of education, faulty evolution schemes followed in schools, faulty policies of governments, worst type of political influences in school, wrong attitude of teachers towards their profession and teaching, etc. have brought down the standard of schools to zero level or sometimes to the negative levels. 
The integrity of teacher is in stake. He has no moral courage to face the challenges posed by the society. Once upon a time, one who was the central pillar of the Government and Society at large, had become the slave and coward. The precious values of our ancient culture have been masked by modern cheap and temporary comforts. If it continues further then the teacher becomes the number one cheat in the world. Now we have introspected by putting the following questions:
  1. Am I really a teacher?
  2. Am I discharging my duties without cheating myself?
  3. What is lacking in me?
  4. Do I have any abnormal habits or behaviour?
  5. What should I have to do to call myself  as a good teacher?
Solutions fro these questions are found in practicing values. Then the question which arises within us is that "what do we mean by a value"? Hence an effort is made in this paper to clarify the meaning of value discussing from different angles such as etymological, sociological, economical, psychological, philosophical and educational. After these clarifications, different types of classification of value indicators are identified through specific illustrations. Value analysis is also being done here. The techniques of discovering one's own values are also discussed at the end.
Value: The Concept And Meaning: The definition of the term value is relative and contextual. And no definition gives the absolute definition for this term. Because it has to be experienced by an individual with his/her own efforts. It is sure that no amount of verbal information, pictorial representations and even illustrations give the personal experience to anyone in this world. It is very similar to the concept of energy in physics. No one has seen energy. No one can give absolute definition for the term 'energy', though the whole universe is governed by energy. Very similarly the whole life of an individual is governed by values but these are unseen. The effects of energy is crystal clear for us. Similarly, the effects of values in life can be easily seen. Therefore, it is very much essential to realise the meaning of the term 'value' through different views in life. 
Etymological meaning: The word 'value' is derived from the Latin word 'valeur' and also from the French word 'valere'. Both these words give the meaning 'worth'. Worthy is valuable. For example, receiving an award from the President is a value for any teacher.
In Greek, 'Ethics' is the word used to indicate the term 'value'. 'Ethics' is the western neethishastra. 'Ethics' indicates character connected with customs. A peculiar quality possessed by an individual is a character. For example, we treat the guest as God with full reverence.
In Sanskrit literature and in almost all Indian languages we find words like 'moulyam' and 'moolyam' which are synonymous with the term 'value'. Varieties of meaning are given to this word. Some of the important meanings are price, wages, and salary. For example, what is the value of a book? Price. What is the value of choosing the specific job? Wages. The value of university professor is considered as more than the value of a teacher in a school - salary.
'Istu' is another word used equivalently to the word 'value'. Fourfold values which are familiarly called as 'purusharthas' are used very frequently from the ancient times in India.
Life is full of values and it is determined by Purusharthas. One can lead the life through Dharma and attain Moksha or he can have other three stages through Dharma. Dharma is the base for everything. 'Artha' should be earned through Dharma, then it is a value. Kama can be satisfied either directly through Dharma or through Artha, then it is a value. One can get Moksha either directly from Dharma or through Dharma, Artha and Kama. Then Moksha is also a value.
Sociological Meaning: Sociologically, value has no meaning for an isolated person. Here, isolated means separated completely from all kinds of social environments. Since no person lives in vacuum he/she badly requires values.
One which is useful or helpful to others is value. It may be a thought, speech or deed of an individual or a group. It binds two or many people in this world. 'Dharma' is the basic sociological value. Dharma means to uphold, to support, to sustain, to maintain law, duty, religion, code of conduct, etc. One which keeps everything in an orderly way, one which holds everything, one which unites everybody is called Dharma (Righteousness).
When two persons come together, live together, talk together, move together, work together, etc., then there is a need of code of conduct or laws. When many persons are together, then series of rules and regulations are essential. By following these rules and regulations, an individual becomes valuable person in society.
Social values are many. Different styles, stages and varieties of life demand a set of values. For example, in a school, administrators, teachers and students come from different homes. Their experiences, social backgrounds, economical conditions, educational backgrounds, etc., are not identical. Therefore, one has to adjust for the school environment. One who is well adjusted has got more values and one who is maladjusted has no values or a fewer values when compared to the former one.
Societies put several restrictions on individuals. A few things are ought to be done by an individual and a few things are not to be done. A few things are right and a few things are wrong. One has to use his discriminative capacity while judging situations. 'Conscience' is the only real judge while taking decisions in life situations.
One of the Sanskrit sloka depicts the Sociological values very precisely and meaningfully.
Slokardhen pravakshyami yadhuktam granthakotayaha.
paropkaaraha punyaaya paapaya parapeedanam.  
The meaning of the above sloka is that "Whatever has been explained in several crores of scriptures about the value is going to be given by me in half a sloka. Helping others is a social merit (punya or value) and inflicting troubles to others is a social demon (papa or vie or disvalue)".
As we are, so our students will be. Let us not forget our future citizens of this country. As we sow, so we reap is specially applicable to us. Now we have taken the responsibility of moulding the young children. Let us do our jobs without mincing matters. Let us not be greedy. Let us be model to our students. In residential schools our social responsibility is multidimensional. If we wish, we can mould many 'Abdul Kalams'. If we are careless many terrorists appear in future, as we see today. "Abhyudaya" (Welfare) alone must be our social concern in society. Then Social values appear everywhere.
Economical Meaning: 'Artha' is a value from the point of view of Economics. Without money there is no meaning for life. Everyone acquires wealth. All of us work day and night to earn money. Because money has purchasing value and therefore it is also called as an instrumental value. We can possess anything in this world through money or wealth. Status of a country or an individual totally depends upon the wealth. The famous economist Kautilya says, "Artha moolo hi sarvam". Every economic activity depends upon money or wealth.
Monitory worthiness is highlighted by the term 'Artha'. Social wheel is mobile due to 'Artha'. The whole world market gets upside down even for a second the activities related to economics is stopped. Therefore, we say, "Arthe sarve somaarambhaah samayaatiti na samshayah'. All activities end in money.
In Indian Culture, the roots are clearly shown to earn money. Everyone has the right has the right to possess wealth through 'Dharma'. Because leading the life is impossible without money. The concept of value comes only when it is earned through right means and for the right cause. Accumulation of wealth without specific right purposes is a disvalue. An individual has to put a ceiling for his income. This concept has to be made very clear to the students through several lively examples. For example, Harshad Mehta has become a millionaire through ill means. Lal Bahadur Shastri did not have a house of his own even after serving in the capacity of Prime Minister of India.
Economic value depends on factors like rarity and durability. For example, 'Gold is more valuable than air'. An individual's economic values depends on the position in society, intelligence and the type of education he possesses, for example, Prime Minister, a Director  of ISRO, etc. One must be careful while finding the economic value of a person because even terrorists have more economic value. For example, in Karnataka, Veerappan is the most important forest smuggler and finally he had become a terrorist. A reward of one crore rupees had been announced for any person who gave information about the whereabouts of Veerappan. This does not mean that Veerappan was the most valuable person.
Psychological Meaning: 'Ista' is the Sanskrit word. It means 'desire'. Psychologically, by virtue of which a thing becomes so desired for a person is called a value. Most desirable is most valuable. Knowledge about the fact is the root for desire. Fact is something which can be seen, heard or known by some means directly or indirectly.
For example, a student is ambitious to become a teacher in future life. If he becomes a teacher through right means then ambition of becoming a teacher is considered as a value.
We use another word 'Kama'. It is one of the purushartha. One has to acquire limited wealth through Dharma. Through wealth he can satisfy his desires only through dharma. Artha indicates the economic well-being where as Kama indicates physical being. Some of the scholars equate 'Kama' with gratification of senses. Even this is not looked down in Hinduism. But the means of gratification of senses must be through dharma only. The beginning stage of Kama gives happiness and the last stage of Kama leads to bliss.
Pleasure for the sake of pleasure is not recommended to individuals. But pleasure for the sake of dharma is allowed. For example, the teacher gets lot of pleasure when all the students in the class get first class marks. For the sake of this pleasure he cannot make his students to copy in the examination and get good marks. If the teacher works hard, also the students work hard and the whole class gets the good result, then it is considered as a value.
Philosophical Meaning: The purpose of human life is Liberation. Liberation from all sorts of bindings is the highest value. This value is called 'Moksha' or 'Mukti' or 'Nirvana' or 'Kaivalya'. Dharma being the base value in life and moksha is the ultimate value. A person becomes perfect only after attaining this value. A person can move upwards stepwise in the hierarchy of purusharthas. That is, Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha or directly he can move Dharma to Moksha. The first one which is a stepwise path is recommended to normal persons like us where as the second path is for monks.
The spiritual Land, India is on cross roads today. It is because of completely either functioning or not interested in the ultimate value. Though the attainment of highest goal in life is to get relief from all sorts of attachments in this world, we are getting attached more and more as days progress by. This has resulted in multidimensional problems in India. If we are not going to solve this problem at present then we can never find a solution for these problems. Understanding one self or self realisation is essential for everybody.
Self-experience is the value. It requires conviction of firm faith. It demands continuous strenuous effort by an individual. It helps an individual to close the shutters of outgoing enjoyment and open the inner floodgates. Then an inward journey helps an individual to attain this value.
For example, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa achieved this goal after many types of struggles in life. In schools we shouls strive hard to understand ourselves through inquiry techniques, meditation, silence, prayer, etc.
Educational Meaning: In the field of education, everyone says that values are to be caught and not to be taught. No doubt about this statement when an ideal society is created in this world. Once upon a time, India had innumerable number of role models. No separate value education was required for them in their system of education. The situations have changed today. Very difficult for us to find the role model in our educational machinery. Hence it is the need of the hour to introduce value education at all levels of education.
'Education through life and for life' must be the aim of our educational system. Mere transmission of dry information and testing the magnitude of the acquisition of information will not solve our problems. It is just a waste of manpower, money and human resources.
Education is a value. It comprises of moral values of a person. It stresses the cultivation and development of character and conduct. It demands the congenial behavioural modification. It shapes the personality of an individual. Education must help an individual to adjust himself to the environment. Then such education is considered as a value education. This type of education has to up-bring an individual from animal level to human level. Education as a value is an instrument to develop the personality of an individual.
Education as a value helps an individual to demonstrate better behaviours. It prepares an individual as cultured citizen of the country. Be and make, Share and care and do and say are the major principles of education as a value. This is very much essential because teachers are source of values. Teachers minus values is the cheat in world.
Harmonious blend of head, heart and hand makes education as values education. It prepares the person to face the challenges in the world. It increases the strength of the person. Therefore all types of instruction related to preparing a better citizen of a country is only through value education.
Classification of Values: Value stands for customs, traditions, ideals and belief systems of either an individual or group. Even it stands for life style and behaviour of families and cults. Therefore, different people classify these values differently according to their styles of logical discussions. Some of these classifications are mentioned in this section.
Religious and Cultural values: Many values fall under Religious and Cultural value category. Important among them are:
Human values
--Dharma - Righteousness.
--Artha - Economic well-being.
--Kama - Physical well-being.
--Moksha - Liberation.
Cultural values:
--Satyam - Truth.
--Shivam - Goodness.
--Sundaram - Beauty.
Universal values:
--Satya - Truth.
--Dharma - Righteousness.
--Prema - Love.
--Shanti - Peace.
--Ahimsa - Non-violence.
Values according to All India Association of Catholic Schools: This association has classified values in three categories:
Personal values: These values should be practiced by all. These are guided by self innovation. Two sets of values namely Positive and Negative are listed here.
Positive values:

  1. Cleanliness.
  2. Dignity of labour.
  3. Diligence.
  4. Punctuality.
  5. Honesty.
  6. Nature of appreciation.
  7. Victory in suffering.
  8. Fortitude.
  9. Courage.
  10. Maturity.
  11. Self-reliance.
  12. Ambition.
  13. Excellence.
  14. Hope.
  15. Research.
  16. Evaluation.
Negative values:

  1. Unclean.
  2. Contempt of labour.
  3. Indolence.
  4. Irregularity.
  5. Dishonesty.
  6. Pollution.
  7. Rebellion against suffering.
  8. Timidity.
  9. Fear.
  10. Immaturity
  11. Despondent.
  12. Unambitiousness.
  13. Mediocrity.
  14. Hopelessness.
  15. Guesswork.
  16. Speculation.
Neighbouring values: These values are the outcome of interaction between two or more persons.
Positive values:

  1. Dutifulness.
  2. Patience.
  3. Courtesy.
  4. Thrift.
  5. Magnanimity.
  6. Sport-manliness.
  7. Loyalty.
  8. Gratitude.
  9. Tolerance.
  10. Freedom.
  11. Determination.
Negative values:

  1. Dereliction of duty.
  2. Impatience.
  3. Discourtesy.
  4. Extravagance.
  5. Meanness.
  6. Unsporting.
  7. Disloyalty.
  8. Ingratitude.
  9. Intolerance.
  10. Slavery, Permissiveness.
  11. Indetermination.
Community values: These values are due to wider interaction between groups of people.
Positive values:

  1. Love.
  2. Dialogue.
  3. Brotherhood.
  4. Forgiveness.
  5. Repentance.
  6. Sharing.
  7. Service.
  8. Team spirit.
  9. Responsibility.
  10. Accountability.
  11. Sympathy.
  12. Hospitality.
  13. Justice.
  14. Non-violence.
Negative values

  1. Hatred.
  2. Monologue.
  3. Seclusion.
  4. Unforgiveness.
  5. Unrepentence.
  6. Hoarding.
  7. Disservice.
  8. Individualistic.
  9. Irresponsibility.
  10. Negligence.
  11. Antipathy.
  12. Inhospitality
  13. Injustice.
  14. Violence.
Values according to NCERT: National Council Education Research and Training has listed Eighty Three values.

  1. Abstinence.
  2. Anti-untouchability.
  3. Consideration for others.
  4. Co-operation.
  5. Compassion.
  6. Common good.
  7. Courtesy.
  8. Democratic decision making.
  9. Dignity of individual.
  10. Duty
  11. Endurance.
  12. Friendship.
  13. Fellow feeling.
  14. Forward looking.
  15. Gentlemanliness.
  16. Honesty.
  17. Humanity.
  18. Initiative.
  19. Justice.
  20. Kindness to animals.
  21. Leadership.
  22. National consciousness.
  23. National integration.
  24. Peace.
  25. Punctuality.
  26. Purity.
  27. Resourcefulness.
  28. Appreciation of cultural values.
  29. Citizenship.
  30. Co-ordination.
  31. Cleanliness.
  32. Common cause.
  33. Courage.
  34. Curiosity.
  35. Devotion.
  36. Dignity of manual work.
  37. Discipline.
  38. Equality.
  39. Faithfulness.
  40. Freedom.
  41. Good manners.
  42. Gratitude.
  43. Helpfulness.
  44. Hygienic living.
  45. Integrity.
  46. Kindness.
  47. Loyalty to duty.
  48. National unity.
  49. Non-violence.
  50. Obedience.
  51. Proper utilisation of time.
  52. Patriotism.
  53. Quest for knowledge.
  54. Regularity.
  55. Respect for others.
  56. Sincerity.
  57. Social justice.
  58. Self help.
  59. Self-confidence.
  60. Self-study.
  61. Self-control.
  62. Social service.
  63. Sense of social responsibility.
  64. Sense of discriminating between good and bad.
  65. Socialisation.
  66. Secularism and respect of all religions.
  67. Spirit of enquiry.
  68. Team spirit.
  69. Tolerance.
  70. Universal love.
  71. Reverance for senior citizens.
  72. Simple living.
  73. Self-discipline.
  74. Self-respect.
  75. Self-support.
  76. Self-reliance.
  77. Self-restraint.
  78. Solidarity of mankind.
  79. Sympathy.
  80. Team work.
  81. Truthfulness.
  82. Universal truth.
  83. Value for national and civic cause.
Miscellaneous Classification: We can see different types of classification in educational literature. A few of them are as follows:

  1. Urban's classification 1947 - Two categories.
  2. Dackawish's classification 1959 - Twelve basic values.
  3. Stordtbeck and Kluckolhn's classification 1967 - Four major values.
  4. Thomas's classification - Six groups.
  5. Goulet's Classification 1971 - Three main categories.
  6. Weil and Weil's classification 1971 - Three main categories.
  7. Berelson and Satler's classification 1972 - Two broad categories.
  8. Hunt's classification 1975 - Five values.
  9. Verma's classification 1985 - Sixteen values.
  10. Jangira's classification 1985 - Two groups.
  11. Mathur's classification 1986 - Four values.
  12. Ramji's classification 1986 - Ten values.
  13. The Central Board of Secondary Education Conference Classification 1986 - Fifty values.
Conclusion: In all these classifications values are overlapping. Based on these classifications we can classify values in two major categories. They are:
Category I: This category comprises of extrinsic values, temporal values, subjective values, relative values, immediate values, lower vales and moral values.
Category II: This category comprises of intrinsic values, permanent values, objective values, absolute values, ultimate values and spiritual values.
Virtue: The Concept: Value and virtue are the two terms either misunderstood or misinterpreted by many. They use these terms synonymously.  This is very clear from the classifications listed above.
Meaning of value:
  • Attainment of highest good in life is a value.
  • Realisation of self is a value.
  • By virtue of which a thing comes to be most desired for a person is a value.
  • Satisfaction of desire is a value.
  • One which guides our actions and motives in right direction is a value.
  • Facts of the inner world is a value.
  • External quality is a value.
  • Manifestation of self (Atman) is a value.
  • Whatever is spiritual in nature is a value.
  • One which should be pursued by a person in this life is called a value.
  • Whatever is found in depth of the human personality is a value.
Meaning of Virtue:
  • Good qualities possessed by a person are called virtues.
  • Good traits of a character are called virtues.
  • Qualities of the self are called virtues.
  • Code of conduct is a virtue.
  • Moral excellence of an individual is a virtue.
  • According to Socrates, knowledge is a virtue.
  • Goodness is a virtue.
  • Righteousness is a virtue.
  • Conformity of one's life activities and conduct to moral and ethical principles is a virtue.
  • Uprightness is a virtue.
  • Admirable quality of a person is a virtue.
  • Purity of a person is a virtue.
  • Integrity of a person is a virtue.
  • Any type of good and right personal disposition is a virtue.
Value vs. Virtue: Meaning of the term value and the term virtue is not considered specifically by many educationists and therefore these words are used without any distinction in many places. Though the meaning of value and virtue seems to be overlapped, they can be visualised distinctly. Ethics deal with values and moral deals with virtues. Value is abroad term, virtue is a narrow term. Value includes virtue but not vice versa.
Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), the great Philosopher identified four cardinal principles of life. He identified these principles as virtues. They are Justice, Wisdom, Courage and Self-control or Temperance. According to Plato, the essential virtue of a ruler is wisdom. The essential virtue of a warrior is courage and self-control is required for all workers. Justice must be for all. Harmonious blend of wisdom, courage and self-control gives the virtue Justice. Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) told that a right relation of a virtuous person exists between reason, feeling and desire. According to him, courage is the mean between fool hardiness and cowardice. Temperance is the one between licentiousness and repression. Liberty is the mean between extravagance and avarice.
Thirteen virtues are listed in Bhagavatam. They are:
  • Brahmanyata - passing the wealth of vedic knowledge.
  • Deva pitru Bhaktata - Devotion towards God and Parents.
  • Soumyata - Peacefulness.
  • Aparopatapita - Not hurting others.
  • Anasooyata - No jealousy towards others.
  • Mruduta - Softness.
  • Apaarayushyam - No harsh speech.
  • Maitrata - Friendliness.
  • Priyavaaditvam - Speaking good and right always.
  • Krutajnata - Gratitude.
  • Sharanyata - Surrendering to God.
  • Kaarunyam - Kindness.
  • Prashantih - Patience.
In Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 16, 1-13), a few virtues are listed as follows:
  • Fearlessness.
  • Purity of heart (or mind).
  • Steadfastness in knowledge and yoga.
  • Alms giving or charity.
  • Control of the senses.
  • Yagna - Sacrifice.
  • Reading of the Shastras - Study.
  • Austerity.
  • Uprightness.
  • Non-imjury.
  • Truth.
  • Absence of anger.
  • Renunciation.
  • Tranquility.
  • Absence of Calumny.
  • Compassion to Beings.
  • Uncovetousness.
  • Gentleness.
  • Modesty.
  • Absence of fickleness.
  • Boldness.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Fortitude.
  • Purity.
  • Absence of Hatred.
  • Absence of Pride.
Let us analyse an example to distinguish between value and virtue.
Truth is a value and speaking truth is a virtue. Even the value is further considered as absolute value and relative value. Absolute value is universal in nature. It is always permanent and eternal. It cannot be changed even in space-time continuum. Whether we could be able to realise the truth or not, that will never get altered. This is the fact. This is the reality of nature. This type of value takes a person to spiritual field, whereas relative value is depending on customs, habits, attitudes and social structure of the community. Even it changes from time to time. Absolute value is always beyond words. Hence whenever we spaak about value that is always a relative value.
Harishchandra, the great King, has given words to Vishwamitra that he is going to give whatever the Rishi demands. The seer, Vishwamitra demanded the huge amount of wealth. Then the King had to shell down his kingdom and all his earnings to Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra tested Harishchandra in all possible ways. Harishchandra became a servant in the burial ground. Lost his son and he was ready to kill even the wife for the sake of promise. Here the value truth is hidden but Harishchandra's behaviour demonstrated the virtue 'truthfulness'. Therefore even today, Harishchandra is personified as truth namely 'Satya Harishchandra'.
Value Indicators: In Physics, various scales of temperatures are used to measure temperatures of bodies. These scales are called temperature indicators. Though all these scales are used to measure the same physical quantity 'temperature', different scales of temperatures are used for different purposes. For example, in liquid thermometers, the centigrade scale introduced by Celsius used in all scientific work. The Fahrenheit scale is used for clinical and metrological purposes. The Reamer scale of temperature is used for domestic purposes. Similarly virtues are used to identify the values which are potential in individuals. Therefore virtues are called value indicators. And different virtues are very useful in different situations in the recognition of value in persons.
We have discussed about the value and virtue. Now we are clear that virtue is a quality to be practiced in our day to day life. Our behaviour and disposition tell about the virtue. Our quality is based on the sum total of these virtues is also called as character. Therefore character is a value and conduct is a virtue. This means conduct of a person indicates the character of that person.
Personification of a virtue is also an indicator of the prominent value possessed by a noble person. For example 'truth' is the prominent value in Harishchandra. Charity is the major value in Karna. Dharma is the major value in Yudhistra. Satyagraha is the prominent value in Gandhi. Therefore, these personalities are indentified as Satya Harsihchandra, Daana Shura Karna, Dharmaraja and Mahatma Gandhi, respectively. The lives of these great personalities are open books. Anyone can peep through it, read, get experience and analyse their life styles.
All types of human actions are indicators of value. Therefore, every action of human beings must be tested in the background of predominant values. For example, Ravana was no doubt a generous and virtuous King of the Demons - Rakshasas. He possessed all good qualities of a king. He was really a God for the subjects of Sri Lanka. But what did he do in reality? He was the trouble-shooter for all seers in forests and Ashramas. He abducted Sita and kept her in Ashoka forest. He sent out his own brother Vibhishana from his kingdom. He demonstrated ostentation, arrogance, self-conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance. Therefore, even today he is identified as demoniac character person. Whereas Rama demonstrated the virtues as listed above. Hence Rama is personified as Dharma, that is 'Ramo Vigrahavaan Dharmah'.
In the beginning of this article, temperature scales are discussed  to understand indicators of value. Thermometers are easily available in markets. And all these thermometers are technically standardised. Therefore any person can use any type of thermometer, at anytime, anywhere else in the world. Whereas such instruments are not available for us to measure the values. But observable behaviours throw a light on them. For example, truth.
Value Indicators:

  1. Truth.
  2. Promise keeping.
  3. Not telling lie at any time.
  4. Free from fraudness.
  5. Sincerity.
  6. Generosity.
  7. Starightforwardness in thought.
  8. Speech and actions.
  9. Honesty.
  10. Curiosity.
  11. Quest for Knowledge.
  12. Spirit of inquiry.
  13. Study of one's own worthiness.
  14. Sense of discrimination, etc.
If we take an example of Rama as described by the great poet Valmiki, we can see all the above listed indicators in his personal as well as in public life. Therefore, we can conclude Rama is a truthful person. Very similar type analysis is applicable to all the values and everyone in this world.
Professional Ethics: Ethics is unique feature of men and women. We are supreme among all the various kinds of animals in this world. We are great because of ethics. What happens, if we leave an ethics in this world? It is unimaginable. Therefore, we have to remember the important equation of our life. Man or Woman without an ethics is a barbarous animal of no use to the society.
(Man or Woman)- Ethics=Barbarous animal.  
Concept of Profession:          



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