Poetry has been defined by poets, critics and lovers of literature according to their understanding of the term. It is the language of the inspired ones. Poetry embodies sound, images, imagination, emotional experiences and a deep feeling on the part of the poet. Unlike prose poetry hints at harmony and tends to be musical. It is musical in the sense that its cadences are soothing to the ear. Poetry has an elegant quality about it. It is said that poetry is the language of the soul. By soul is meant the heart. Great works in all languages have been written in poetry making every line possess an intrinsic value, connecting poetry to life. Modern poetry has not much to do with things like rhythm, meter, etc. This new genre called free verse has been overshadowing the classical mode these days in all languages. A knowledge of the classical mode, a ear for beat and rhythm and an imaginative impulse helps one to explore both the genres successfully and the poet in question belongs to this...