[Based on an article written by Padma Rao Sundarji, former South-East Asia bureau chief of Der Spiegel and a senior global affairs analyst. The article was published in Deccan Chronicle, dated 25th June, 2018 (Monday)].
Delhi woke to some good news in the third week of June, 2018. The city's stately, two-storeyed Town Hall of 1863 vintage was dying a slow death, due to callous use of municipal officials from Independence upto 2009. Its museum and library too must be in their last throes, if rodents, seepage, white ants and pigeonshave left any book or artifact intact at all. Still, and after nine more years of dithering, it's final - the august building will soon be leased out to bidders for a heritage hotel. One dismaying thought persists. What if the government 'does an Air India' on the Town Hall by retaining a stranglehold through the hobby interior designer-wife of an official or someone else it wants to 'favour' with a paid consultancy? Instead of leaving it to professional architects endowed with sense and sensibility - two qualities that no demolition-happy Indian government at any level - national, state or local - has ever displayed about heritage? Don't buy my cynicism. Drop in on any government office housed in an old building anywhere in the country.
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