A tigress kept watch for two days over a dry well in Katni district of Madhya Pradesh into which her cub fell. When forest officials got to know about the incident, the cub was rescued after a day-long operation on 20th August, 2019. The incident took place at Piparia village under Barhi forest range of Katni district. The rescued cub is out of danger and has been sent to Mukundpur White Tiger Safari for further treatment. It will be released in the wild after primary aid, officials said. An adult tigress was seen in the area with her three cubs over the past few days. On 18th August, 2019, one of her cubs fell into the well. The tigress was seen guarding the spot from a nearby hill for the past two days by the local villagers. However, no one undestood why the tigress was on the hill, sources said.
It was on 20th August, 2019 morning that some shepherds, who were passing by, heard a peculiar noise coming from the well. When they peeped inside, they saw the cub, and immediately informed villagers who in turn alerted forest officials, sources said. "The cub was rescued with the help of officials from thw White Tiger Safari Mukundpur, and it is out of danger. The officials first tranquilised the cub and then took it out. It has been sent to Mukundpur for further treatment", Rajesh Rai, District Forest Officer, Katni, told PTI. He added, "The tigress is being sighted in our forest division with her three cubs for the past 4 to 5 months and she was seen near the spot for the past few days".
[Courtesy The Times of India dated 21st August, 2019].
--Challapalli Srinivas Chakravarthy, 09-09-2019 (Monday)--
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