(1). Who is the world's youngest king ? (1). Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk of Bhutan is, at 28, the world's youngest king. This Oxford-educated monarch took over from his father Jigme Singye Wangchuk on 06th November, 2008. His coronation took place at the Golden Throne Room at Tashichhodzong, a fortress and the power centre of Bhutan. (2). Why are the people of Japan also known as Nipponese ? (2). Nippon is the Japanese name for Japan. It literally means 'the sun's origin', which is often translated as the land of the rising sun. The Japanese name Nippon is used mostly for official purposes, including on the currency, in the constitution, on postage stamps and at many international sporting events. Nippon first apeared in history only at the end of the seventh century in the Old Book of Tang which said that the Japanese envoy disliked his country's then name Woguo and changed it to Nippon. Another eighth century chronicle, True Meaning of Shiji states...