Is wage inequality, due to the government's failure to provide quality education, restraining the Indian economy? A recent Oxfam report argues that it is. It reveals that this year's wealth of the India's richest 1% grew by over Rs. 20.9 lakh crore during 2017, a little more than total central budget last year. Why does inequality happen? Nobel-winning economist Simon Kuznets showed in his path-breaking work that economic inequality first increases and then declines as an economy moves up the path of development, resulting in the so-called "inverted U curve". So developing countries tend to exhibit higher inequality than their developed peers.
However, one must keep in mind the mechanisms and linkages that are responsible for this "inverted U curve". Experts argue that inequality decline in later stages may be due to more effective governance, such as creation of an eco-system for quality education, which raises both output and labour productivity. Experts have found that adoption of new technology is conditioned by the relative supply of skilled workers in a specific region - regions having a higher supply are likely to be quicker in new technology adoption. Also, while real wages of skilled workers are expected to increase as new skill-biased technology is adopted, wages of unskilled workers may remain unaffected or even fall. The issue of supply of skilled labour has, therefore, become an area of immense interest largely because of the rising inequality in the relative wages of skilled and unskilled labour.
How can access to skill education be created? It is often argued that Singapore's acclaimed skills development system is an integrated national effort, given its multi-level focus and private sector collaboration. It is successful because it is linked to other national policies - for example, economic development and technology transfer - and various institutions work together: The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) played a key role fro broad economic development policies. Likewise, a range of semi-autonomous agencies played an active role. India has a full-fledged Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Have they delivered? Outcomes are pathetic although the government is largely responsible for providing education, right from basic to higher education. In the higher education sector it has many powerful arms such as IIT council, AICTE and recently formed IIM council. Sadly, Indian institutions are unknown to the top 300 globally competitive higher educational institutions. There are many distortions at the policy level such as wrong people who had leadership roles because of their political connections, poor research culture, internal politics, mediocre Ph.D research and so on. In most higher education institutions, faculty positions are vacant because internal barriers are created by a group o faculty members. They feel a new recruit is a threat to them.
Where academic journals are concerned, very few are of global standard. Private higher educational institutions are no better. Most of those in leadership roles are on contract because of their age. They are unable to deal with new challenges. Many reputed private institutes are now near to collapse because those responsible for management are too weak to choose the right people. Then we have AICTE, tagged as immoral since inception. They have in general negative perceptions about stand-alone higher education institutions. Their decision making processes, their understanding of designing courses and regulations are inappropriate. Performances of a few stand-alone institutions in India are quiet exemplary. Regretfully, their inputs are mostly ignored in taking important decisions.
The recent IIM Bill is an important dimension to facilitate internal competition in the higher education sector. The environment cannot be taken as static any more. Long-term forecasts and plans need more frequent revisions. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) provides new challenges and opportunities in education, requiring a dynamic world-view. Immediate action in a concerted, purposeful and proactive manner is needed on this front. The Oxfam report is one document from an NGO, and one shouldn't make too much of it. But it is an indication of where circumstances are changing. Anyone who wants to explain why the Indian economy is evolving the way it is needs to at least grapple with the implications of a more unequal society for the country as a whole.
--Challapalli Srinivas Chakravarthy--
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